Protect Your Knees With Soleus Raises

Protect Your Knees With Soleus Raises

Protect Your Knees With Soleus Raises The Soleus Raise is a key exercise for strengthening your lower legs including your knees, calves and improving your balance. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to do the Soleus Raise properly so that you can get the most...
Protect Your Knees With Reverse Step Ups

Protect Your Knees With Reverse Step Ups

Now that we have built strength and mobility in the lower legs, it is time to move up above the knees and strengthen our quads, just above the knees in a muscle called the Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO – one of the 4 quadricep muscles). The full version of the...
Protect Your Knees With Split Squats

Protect Your Knees With Split Squats

As a personal trainer who started out in the early 2000s, I was initially taught to coach people not to let their knees go forwards of their toes in squats and lunges. Fast forward 15 years and there is a growing movement which believes that is the wrong advice and...
Protect Your Knees with Standing Hamstring Curls

Protect Your Knees with Standing Hamstring Curls

The final exercise in our protect your knees series focuses on building strength in your hamstrings, on the back of your upper leg. This is the last piece of the puzzle in terms of the major muscles above and below the knees that we want to get strong to help protect...