50 Minutes Or Longer Sessions

YOGA: Strong Flow: Jumping Crow (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Jumping Crow (50mins)

A chance to try out (or perfect :-)) our jump back from crow. Lets of progressions for all so maybe you'll get just a little further than you have before. Always a boost to your confidence.

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YOGA: Gentle Yoga: Full Pull (50mins)

YOGA: Gentle Yoga: Full Pull (50mins)

A pulling based class to balance our usual pushing dominant yoga practice. Great for our backs and our posture, expect to see some subtle changes to the way we carry out our usual poses.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Arm Balm (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Arm Balm (50mins)

Arm strength builders are the focus today. Naturally the core will be challenged to stabilise the body whilst supporting our weight through the arms. And a focus on gratitude.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Step Forward (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Step Forward (50mins)

Working on the seemingly simple step through from down dog to the front of the mat. So focusing on Psoas strength and flexibility as well as some technique to progress that step through a little further.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Freshness Focus (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Freshness Focus (50mins)

Continuing the focus on fresh moves to keep your body guessing. We'll be exploring the thigh strength and exploring just as fully the practice of gratitude that can revolutionise each of our worlds.

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YOGA: Yin: Superficial Backline (50mins)

YOGA: Yin: Superficial Backline (50mins)

Focusing on a journey up the superficial backline of fascia from the feet to the head, this deeply relaxing sequence is a great one to switch off from a busy day and get ready for a great nights sleep.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Go Flow Flow (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Go Flow Flow (50mins)

Let's get in the flow and move. Mobility and flow are the keys to feeling good today. We'll be moving in some new and funky ways and wildly mobilising all the parts of the body that need a good old stretch.

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YOGA: Gentle Flow: Relief Belief (50mins)

YOGA: Gentle Flow: Relief Belief (50mins)

Here's your relief: a glorious thigh relieving class after the thigh burning strong flows of this week. Let the relief take over, the feelings guide you to more depth and we'll feel amazing by the end.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Thigh Fire (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Thigh Fire (50mins)

Focusing on the quads we'll feel the burn a little today as we strengthen and stretch these muscles with mindfulness throughout. A great body and mind combo today with some new challenges to spice things up.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Crow Bow (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Crow Bow (50mins)

Getting our hip flexors, core and obliques all prepared to carry us into our crow and side crow poses. This one's a fun one for all levels with lots of options along the way. Enjoy.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Standing Strong (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Standing Strong (50mins)

A fun flow with a generous standing series to continue our stability building from earlier in the week. Let's get our glutes firing strong, our bodes feeling stable and allow our balance to benefit.

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YOGA: Yin: Back on form (50mins)

YOGA: Yin: Back on form (50mins)

Deeply releasing, not just physically but in all layers. Shed what you no longer need and make way for the new with this class themed around backbending.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Bed Head (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Bed Head (50mins)

A morning practice to awaken us out of bed and move us toward head stand. Whether you can do a headstand or not this one is great for you to build the muscles that will prepare us to get closer.

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YOGA: Gentle Flow: Neck Niceness (50mins)

YOGA: Gentle Flow: Neck Niceness (50mins)

Relieving tension around the and shoulders to find ease. And as well, and hugely importantly, strengthening the front of the neck to recalibrate our neutral head posture which has far reaching implications for the whole body.

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YOGA: Strong Flow: Fly High (50mins)

YOGA: Strong Flow: Fly High (50mins)

Don't let the class photo put you off, this one is for all levels - just go as far as you can today. Let's get moving and exploring as always and let's have some fun.

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YOGA: Gentle Flow: Thigh Ease (50mins)

YOGA: Gentle Flow: Thigh Ease (50mins)

Variations of strengtheners and stretches for our thighs to practice cultivating a gentleness and softness. This allows us to powerfully flow with circumstances rather than resisting or pushing against.

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YOGA: Postnatal Mum’s Yoga: Thighs (50mins)

YOGA: Postnatal Mum’s Yoga: Thighs (50mins)

Strengthening and stretching our thigh muscles which help us with every step we take. Working in tandem with our core and bums they are a crucial element to allow us to lug our little people around with ease.

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YOGA: Gentle Flow: Wrist Ease (50mins)

YOGA: Gentle Flow: Wrist Ease (50mins)

The gentle flow affords us much more time to stretch, mobilise and strengthen our gorgeous hard-working wrists, hands, elbows and shoulders. A great class to come back to time and time again.

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YOGA: Yin: Raw and Real (50mins)

YOGA: Yin: Raw and Real (50mins)

Revisiting some yin moves I've not done for a while so enjoy the freshness, enjoy the new sensations and let the practice assist you in journeying to a place that is raw and real.

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