Make it sustainable! Sustainability has become such a buzz word these days, but it really does apply to our health and wellbeing. I see so often how some people throw themselves into a new fitness regime for a few weeks only to give up just before the benefits start to kick in. Our industry is a lot to blame for this, marketing false promises of “4 weeks to a flat tummy” and “get ripped in 40 days”, so it’s no wonder that people get a few weeks into a health kick and give up when they don’t see the results they were promised. We should be talking about sustainability and the long term benefits of a regular healthy habit such as fitness and yoga. Benefits that can impact all areas of our lives and last us a lifetime. So wherever you are at with your healthy habit, make sure it is sustainable, that it is cultivating energy in you rather than depleting it. Stick with it and play the long game.]]>