The perfect place to start your meditation practice is right here!

So I’m sure you’ve heard all the amazing benefits to a consistent meditation practice. Here is the quickest and easiest guide we’ve ever created to starting (or maybe restarting) your meditation practice. Take the complexity out of it, action the steps below and reap the visceral rewards in less than a week. These audios are taken from our 30 Day Health Reset – if you’re interested in finding out more, click here.

Step 1: Listen to this brief explanation (10mins)…


Step 2: Then use this 5 min audio each day for the first week…


Step 3: Once you have a week or two of 5 mins per day under your belt, then increase to 10 mins…


Step 4: Then after a month or so, increase to 15 mins…



And just in case you haven’t heard about the amazing benefits of meditation here they are:

Benefits of Meditation

  • Meditation is linked with feeling less stressed, as well as actually lowering the stress hormone cortisol
  • Meditation helps us process emotions even when we’re not actively meditating
  • It can produce changes in the brain that protect against mental health conditions
  • Rapid memory recall improves with daily meditation
  • In studies, students who training in mindfullness meditation acheived better grades
  • We experience less anxiety as meditation loosens connections to particular neural pathways
  • Meditation is linked to more creativity and new ideas
  • It can help increase levels of patience and tolerance
  • It provides an increasing self-awareness
  • It helps us to be more focused on the present