Omega-3: get your fair share

Omega-3: get your fair share

Omega-3 fats are an essential part of a healthy diet, and are linked to protecting against many different inflammation related diseases. So it would seem like a smart move to be including Omega-3 dense foods in your diet. Whilst eating enough O-3 is important, so too...
Creating a healthy habit

Creating a healthy habit, which illustrates the importance of patience and measured perseverance when starting something new and trying to build it into a healthy habit. Make it sustainable! Sustainability has become such a buzz word these days, but it really does apply to our...
Chocolate Bliss Ball Recipe

Chocolate Bliss Ball Recipe

300g Almonds (ideally activated) 450g Desiccated Coconut for mixture 100g Desiccated Coconut for decoration 75g Cacao powder 375g Dates (de-stoned) 300ml Melted Coconut Oil Method: Add the nuts, desiccated coconut and cacao to the food processor and blend until no...